Wrong Referral

I was having lunch with a banker and they were telling me about the problems they were having with a nameless client. It seems that their client works in a perceived specialized field; it’s actually not, its retail with a small educational component.  So they were...

Actively Managed

Do you know how active is that “actively managed” mutual fund you’re invested in?  Probably not, and yes that is typically a rhetorical question. But in the not too distant future you should have a clearer picture for many funds. Large asset managers, including T....

The Price of Admission

When I am working with my client’s and I let them know that they are in the top 10% of the country they typically are aghast. The threshold for the top 10% of earners is just over $138,000.  That could easily be a married couple both making $70,000, with a mortgage,...

How big do you want to grow?

Size does matter to some.  There are those who become entrepreneurs to be world class, the best of the best, leaving all others in the dust. Then there are those who want to basically create a job for themselves to cover their bills and provide for their families. ...

Don’t have or can’t find a financial advisor?

I am approached by financial advisors regularly; they are prowling only for high net worth clients.  Now every high net worth client that I have, has at least one financial advisor and a few have a couple.  Some even run their own investment accounts as well. Now,...


Europe rolled out costly privacy regulations in May, with strict privacy and security mandates for sites collecting personal data and big fines for violations. Other countries are also looking to tighten privacy rules and forcing more online censorship. In spite of...

Rental Properties

I meet an investor that only believed in investing in real estate only around colleges and universities. He knew that with these locations he would always have people interested in renting his properties. This made all the sense in the world to me so to see an article...

IOT – Internet of Things

Hardware and/or software, who will be the winners and who will be the losers of the Internet of Things (IOT)? For the internet of things to work there will need to be specialized chips loaded into everything.  Those chips will need software to be written to make the...

Underwater Property

I recently found myself underwater on my office.  The prices fell sharply during the “Great Recession”, then all open units were sold at discounted prices, led by me buying the neighboring unit.  But now no one is looking to leave.  So the prices are deflated on...

Impaired Brand

Have you been watching? Online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and so on are both helping and hurting specific brands. Is you brand one of these that is being impaired? If so are you ready to take control of your brand online? There are known brands that are losing...

Professional Responsibility

We as a firm believe that we are dedicated by professional responsibility to assist our clients achieve better results for their customers and be more profitable. We learned early on that our product was not to sell time, but rather our skill and knowledge. Creating...

Getting Started

If you want to start a business but don’t know where to start, don’t worry…you are not alone.  This is not a unique situation.  We have had appointments were we have discouraged would be business owners from getting started, others have great ideas and...

Business Legality

We live in litigious times. It’s just an unfortunate fact of life, especially in Illinois. So we need to arm ourselves with the basics of doing business legally and ethically, so you can avoid the headaches later. That along with our insurance company is why we...

Business Social Media

Social media is necessary to branding, building and growing your business. But alas contrary to popular belief social media not free. It requires the investment of time.  I am currently spending a Sunday morning working on multiple posts. But with some technical...

Shared Work Spaces

As more and more small companies are opting shared work spaces; looking for offices with hip designs and short-term commitments that are shared with other firms. The appeal of co-working spaces started along with freelance workers, these independent contractors and...

Self-Filing Error

In a recent court case, a couple’s e-filing error does not allow them to avoid penalties for late filing and payment, according to a federal district court When e-filing their return through TurboTax, the husband input a wrong Social Security number. IRS rejected the...

Property Ownership

The new tax law wiped out a number of benefits of home ownership, which is vexing the National Association of Realtors. You can still write off the mortgage interest on your primary mortgage.  But there are hoops to jump through and records to keep for deductibility...

College worth the money?

According to my youngest, who is currently a senior in High School a large number of his peers are not planning on going forward to college.  While the decision to forgo a four-year degree still runs counter to 30 years of conventional wisdom.  These kids are not...

Misclassified Employees

The Labor Dept. and IRS have a pact to share leads on misclassified workers. But as usual, the results from our government have not been very robust. Since 2012, the Revenue Service has selected for examination a mere 210 of the 1,300 referrals it’s received from DOL,...

Corporation and the home office

A doctor’s C corporation that paid his home mortgage cannot deduct the cost, according to the Tax Court. A company may deduct payments made to lease home office space from an employee or shareholder, if they’re ordinary and necessary business expenses. Here, the...

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