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Guerilla Marketing

I was listening to a webinar, and they were talking to Bombas, who manufacture socks.  Their pitch is, you buy a pair of socks and they give a pair to charity, so in essence you are doubling up on your costs. Since socks are a commodity, the creators were discussing...

People remember people not products

I was having a difficult time with my bank.  They were giving me the run around on a couple of issues and taking their time in getting back to me if they eventually did so. Then a Branch Manager from a bank I have no relationship came in from nowhere.  He was talking...

How to Network

“How to Network” I am awful at this.  I hate going into a room where I may kind of know only one or two people, or worse know no one in the room at all. But, I need to network to continue to grow my business, so I go to networking events.  I also prefer those events...

The Merchant of Death Rebranded

Imagine that you developed and refined a destructive force that changed the world of warfare and that you made of fortune doing so.  But you never really thought about the consequences of your actions until you read an obituary about yourself that was run instead of...

Marketing Plan

I was at the ICPAS Summit this year and bounced in and out of a couple of seminars.  They had one on “Marketing your Practice” by Xero.  I was intrigued; I know that there is always room for improvement and I am willing to learn something new.  So I went. Once they...

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