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Lowered expectations

With the stagnant wages and the difficulties of finding a starter job in your field unless you were in the top 3% of your class worldwide. Are our children looking at lowered expectations than we were as graduates? I know that starter cars less than $20,000 are rare...

Customer Service

I was at the IRS office dropping off some paperwork for a client.  While I was there, a business owner showed up and tried to hand in an Illinois tax return.  He was obviously confused, which made the IRS personnel a bit confused as well. Now as the IRS rep went to...


I was just at a seminar where they polled the audience on where they stored their I-9 forms.  Just about everyone stated that they are in the employee’s file. They were informed that they were doing it inappropriately and that they should all be in a single file along...


A few weeks ago the Pew Research Center did an analysis regarding Millennials and where they are living.  In 2008 most people figured that the poor economy was the main cause for Millennials to be living with their parents. Now that the economy has improved somewhat...


At the conclusion of a report by the Pew Charitable Trusts, where they examined debt through the generations, they found that 8 in 10 Americans are in debt in some fashion. Wow I could have told them that and they could have saved the money.  These roughly match the...


It seems that the great(?) state of Illinois is home to nearly 8,500 local governmental units.  Are you surprised?  I didn’t think so.  But what is surprising is that 6,026 are empowered to raise taxes, the highest in the nation.  Texas is #2 with about 5,150 local...

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