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I was listening to “Under the Influence” again, and the podcast was discussing branding.  Since I had a couple of appointments last week, I thought I would see if they were following the recommendations from the podcast. What was stressed was the need for a consistent...

The personality and the job search

There is always the question in the back of job seekers minds as to what they can do to make themselves standout from the crowd.  Especially if you are a new grad and are looking for that first job, standing out is more difficult. One suggestion of what not to do is...

Estimated payments

We recently had a situation where the client misunderstood the concept behind estimated payments. With this situation the client thought that they were retroactive payments and not prospective payments.  We explained that there had been a tax liability due for 2014...

The Counter offer

You have an employee who has just received a new job opportunity from your largest and nearest competitor.  Do you make them a counter offer to stay?  Is the knowledge to be lost worth a counter offer? Seventy-eight percent of CFOs do not like the idea of extending...

Business Segment not ignored.

We received a call from a prospective client.  He was looking for some assistance with a return that needed to be amended. When he met with us he expressed shock that we did not serve a multitude of pilots, considering our proximity to the United Airlines headquarters...


When I ask some business owners about their brand they give me a list of the services that they provide.  I used to do this years ago myself.  But then I realized that few understood the list of the differences between the items. At one point in time I had a single...

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