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I am not sure why, but there seems to be a number of articles in various publications about how to run and act in meetings. Some have been ridiculously basic and at least one had some interesting ideas, or at least ones I agree with. The funny thing is I have a client...

The “Dirty Dozen” Tax Scams for 2015

The IRS has issued their 2015 listing of their “Dirty Dozen”.  These are the most prevalent tax scams that are impacting our country. I have written a few times regarding the first one: the phone scams.  These people have called me personally and I have called them...

ACA Penalties

The IRS has set the top penalty for those who go without health coverage this year. The individual mandate’s tax for being uninsured is typically the higher of two figures: The basic fine or an income-based levy. The basic penalty for 2015 is $325 a person ($162.50...

Businesses worry about privacy

There seems to be a growing concerned that the government will wind up with sensitive data about individuals and corporations if they’re forced to share information with the government.  There are real fears that the government cannot be counted on to protect that...

Beware and Review

Last year during tax season I warned a few clients about concerns of what I was seeing in their financial portfolios. In the distant past I worked for a couple of firms that wanted an anal CPA to handle the compliance for their advisors.  So when I see things that...

Sales department

I have several clients who need to fine tune their sales departments. The problems are varied and their solutions are unclear. The first one has several sales people who do not seem capable of meeting the targets set before them.  Their response is the quality of the...

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