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Better late than never is not a good idea

S corporations that file late returns face a stiff fine of $195 for each month late, up to a maximum of 12 months, multiplied by the number of shareholders in the firm. So where a one-owner S company lacked reasonable cause for filing 11 months late, the Tax Court...

Tax reform

A tremendous amount of thought and energy is going into a potential way to revamp the corporate tax system. With subsequent changes to the individual tax rates, there is alarm with many experts. It is believed that corporate tax reform needs to be paired with an...


As we all know, many workers’ had a goal of retiring at 65 or sooner. Unfortunately the lack of preparation savings and the “Great Recession” delivered a severe blow to these people’s balance sheets as well as to their plans of retirement. It now seems that fewer than...

Desire, want, need, law

I was watching a new program recently, in which a politician was being interviewed.  Since this interviewee was a Democrat I was surprised when they cautioned that government needs to be diligent as to where government should be expending resources. The interviewee...

Our Government almost at work.

It has been expressed in the news that the filing season in 2015 for your 2014 taxes will be one of the most trying in years; according to the IRS Commissioner. The IRS will be understaffed and will not be available to all, for assistance if answering questions to...

Employee impact

As a small business owner I know how important great staff is to the success of a business.  But the impact of those employees that are not great and their impact on the business are terrifying at some levels. An assistant who does not keep up on client follow-ups A...

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