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The mention of mentors and mentoring seem to be on the rise again.  There were discussions and articles about 10 years ago, and then they went away. I missed out; in my life I never really have a mentor.  My father passed while I was in college and my bosses always...


Mangers are those employees that can make or break your business. Especially if you are a serially entrepreneur and have multiple businesses in multiple arenas, the difference between a good and a great manager will greatly impact on each and every one of your...

Building Ownership

There are those who believe in renting and those who believe in owning.  As a business owner, I fall into the owning category, or at least indirectly. I am currently working with a couple of clients who have been in business for decades and they wish they had...

Rental Space

There are those who believe that renting space makes more sense than purchasing business space. There are those who believe in renting because of the concept of flexibility.  If they need to grow, they will just move to a larger space.  If they need to contract, they...

Initial Business Space

When you start your business, the physical location of that business can get complicated. I know from experience. When I started my business, it was physically located in my basement.  It was impossible to see clients in my home.  For one I could not legally meet...

New Revenue Recognition Standards

The new Revenue Recognition standard establishes consistent principles (regardless of industry or geography) to report useful information about the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue from contracts with customers. Public companies were required to...

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