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New Vehicles

I recently read an article or rant(?) from Suze Orman, who stated that no one should ever have a car loan over 36 months. I guess it easier to be the case when dealers are giving them away as part of an endorsement deal, or if your employer was providing them to you. ...

The 5th and fingerprints

I was reading an article that I admit surprised me.  It seems that our Constitutional rights for self incrimination do not extend to the use of our fingerprints. A Virginia court case had a judge rule that the police, who suspected incriminating evidence on his...

Corporate Tax Reform

As usual, now that an election has occurred some thoughts turn to tax reform.  Not that the idea is ever too far away. The current idea is to revamp just the tax rules for corporations, though most believe that this will go nowhere.  But there is bipartisan agreement...

Roth Conversion

I recently had a discussion with a client concerning some year end tax planning.  He was talking to his financial advisor about converting some of his Traditional IRA into a Roth. The idea behind this is some early estate planning.  His assets are positioned in such a...


It looks like in the not too distant future we will see the debut of fifth-generation cell phone networks, or 5G. With this next generation we will have voice and data speeds more than 10 times as fast as the current 4G mobile speeds and capable of matching...

Minimum Wage

I have heard some interesting responses to the Illinois Minimum Wage Increase Question that was on the November 4, 2014 ballot as an advisory question. This was basically a non binding referendum which was approved. The measure asked voters whether they supported...

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