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New Lease Standard

The new lease standard went into effect earlier this year.  The idea behind the standard is to focus on increased transparency and comparability – providing financial statement users with more information about an entity’s leasing activities. From now on the lessee...

New slant on dating

Having been married over 30 years and with my wife for 35 years, so I have no idea what is involved with dating in this century and not a whole lot from the last. So, I was more than a little shocked on the statistic that more than 40% of adults say knowing someone’s...

Economic Inequality

As a student of history, I know that there have always been those that have and those that have not, in just about every time period and throughout the world. So, the results of a recent study results are not as striking to me as they were to others, despite how...

Wrong person in the wrong position

Long ago, I was working with a NFP that was going through a transition period.  They sold their building, shed unprofitable programs and moved to a smaller more affordable space.  During all of this transition the BOD requested that one long time employee be retained,...

Taxpayer Bill of Rights

Did you know that you have taxpayer rights?  I didn’t think so, most people don’t. But each and every taxpayer has a set of fundamental rights they should be aware of when dealing with the IRS. Explore your rights and our obligations to protect them. The Right to Be...


Surprising one of the mega companies has been bragging about their commitment to individual’s privacy. I know I was surprised. Apparently, Apple has been very vocal lately about its commitment to privacy.  This stance is new for Apple, especially as companies like...

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