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Donation recordkeeping

The IRS continues to clamp down on charitable donations. Even small cash donations aren’t exempt from the strict recordkeeping rules, according to IRS’s final regulations. For charitable monetary gifts of any size, you cannot claim a deduction unless you have a...

Fraudulent 1099

Issuing a fraudulent 1099 can cost lots of money. AN example of this was recently brought forth. A doctor received from the owner of his medical practice a 1099 form that reported an inflated amount of income. The doctor then filed a lawsuit in federal court. He...

Statute of Limitations?

The common belief is that the IRS can only go back three years for audit.  But there are circumstances when the IRS can go back more than three years to seek taxes. If more than 25% of gross income is omitted from a return, then the Service has six years to assess the...


Privacy truly seems to be a thing from the past and now is a gossamer vapor of want and needs. According to Kiplinger we should all beware of free virtual private network apps proliferating in app stores. They believe that many are scams that swipe personal data, such...

Downward slide

One of the side effects of being an active networker I get to learn about the horror stories of businesses that are not my clients.  Learning about other company errors or mistakes that caused a downslide, may help me protect my clients by looking at similar early...


I have to admit that I often still surprised when non-clients ask me detailed technical questions about their business. I have had people who work with a different CPA asks me questions because they feel I am approachable and their CPA is not.  I know this because I...

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