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“Shoulder to shoulder and backs to the wall” that may be an apt description of Tesla at the moment. This is a company that has been selling a concept, but has never made a nickel.  Nor has it ever met a production deadline or release date. The $8 billion lost to date...


Are you the type of leader or business owner who likes to surround themselves with sycophants?  I know they are out there; I have worked with a few, albeit briefly. I had a client who has since retired, but she knew and expected me to challenge her on key points of...

Networking Group

It has been awhile since I was a member of a networking group.  I had left because of the cost/time benefit ratio no longer made sense in belonging. Because of this a member of my Board of Advisors told me I needed to find one and join.  I have looked at a number of...

Conservative vs Explosive Growth

What is your businesses growth plan?  In the recent months I have had two different sources state that they believed I was on a conservative growth plan.  Granted they did not use those words, but that was their meaning. At one meeting my friend who is on my Board of...

Women in business

I have been encountering more women business owners lately.  I consider this to be a good thing.  Women tend to approach business from a different perspective then men, less instinct and a more measured approach.  They are also tend to be more conservative, so I...

Cost and Margin

The basics of business are not monitored well by most business owners.  I am talking the basic of basics; cost and margin. Cost is simply defined as the amount paid to acquire something.  Margin simply refers to the difference between the seller’s cost for...

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