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How to start a career – Patton Oswald

I took my wife to see a Q&A session with Patton Oswald, she is a fan.  I found points of the dissuasion to be very relevant to potential entrepreneurs. Repeatedly people would come up and ask how to get into the industry or be discovered. I thought his response...

Staying relevant

Companies are being creative in how they strive to remain relevant in our rapidly changing world. When behemoths like Bank of America and UPS are in reality multiple businesses, small businesses need to be on guard constantly, looking for ways to be innovative and...

Fractional C-Suite does it makes sense for your business

You are no longer a start-up you have been in business for a number of years and the business has grown nicely.  But it is also getting to the point where you are spending more time than you wish on the administrative side of the business, which you do not enjoy nor...

First Step in a business

When we are meeting with a potential new client, we find that they have already taken some steps in starting a business without asking or being asked any questions, let alone the right questions.  They have created an LLC or a Corporation already in place. We believe...

ROI vs ROI for the small business

ROI can be defined a number of ways, the two that I am referring to are: ·         Return on investment ·         Reliability of income When running a small business both of these definitions can be key influencers are most likely ignored. Return on investment, small...

Two Classes of Stock

I find it interesting when public or private companies have two classes of stock.  The purpose it always for the same reason, for the power of the company to be under the control of just a few. I have worked with clients of Wrigley stock, the employees were issued...

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