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Small/Midsized C-Suite

I have a client that was looking to the outside for their first non-family member for their C-Suite. I had a small part of the process during the interview process; it was interesting seeing the process from my viewpoint. I challenged the applicants on their require...

The Small Business Administration

In 2018 loans to small businesses backed by the SBA have risen 4% this year and are on pace to beat the tally from 2017.  Personally I am not a fan of the SBA, the costs are huge and they are designed to protect the banks not the borrowers. The SBA’s flagship loan...

Wrong Referral

I was having lunch with a banker and they were telling me about the problems they were having with a nameless client. It seems that their client works in a perceived specialized field; it’s actually not, its retail with a small educational component.  So they were...

Actively Managed

Do you know how active is that “actively managed” mutual fund you’re invested in?  Probably not, and yes that is typically a rhetorical question. But in the not too distant future you should have a clearer picture for many funds. Large asset managers, including T....

The Price of Admission

When I am working with my client’s and I let them know that they are in the top 10% of the country they typically are aghast. The threshold for the top 10% of earners is just over $138,000.  That could easily be a married couple both making $70,000, with a mortgage,...

How big do you want to grow?

Size does matter to some.  There are those who become entrepreneurs to be world class, the best of the best, leaving all others in the dust. Then there are those who want to basically create a job for themselves to cover their bills and provide for their families. ...

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