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Don’t have or can’t find a financial advisor?

I am approached by financial advisors regularly; they are prowling only for high net worth clients.  Now every high net worth client that I have, has at least one financial advisor and a few have a couple.  Some even run their own investment accounts as well. Now,...


Europe rolled out costly privacy regulations in May, with strict privacy and security mandates for sites collecting personal data and big fines for violations. Other countries are also looking to tighten privacy rules and forcing more online censorship. In spite of...

Rental Properties

I meet an investor that only believed in investing in real estate only around colleges and universities. He knew that with these locations he would always have people interested in renting his properties. This made all the sense in the world to me so to see an article...

IOT – Internet of Things

Hardware and/or software, who will be the winners and who will be the losers of the Internet of Things (IOT)? For the internet of things to work there will need to be specialized chips loaded into everything.  Those chips will need software to be written to make the...

Underwater Property

I recently found myself underwater on my office.  The prices fell sharply during the “Great Recession”, then all open units were sold at discounted prices, led by me buying the neighboring unit.  But now no one is looking to leave.  So the prices are deflated on...

Impaired Brand

Have you been watching? Online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and so on are both helping and hurting specific brands. Is you brand one of these that is being impaired? If so are you ready to take control of your brand online? There are known brands that are losing...

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