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Pay Transparency

Lately we seem to be a country more and more at battle with itself. In one corner is the employee vs employer, battle over salary transparency.  This would bring major changes to some of the nation’s most powerful companies from Wall Street to Silicon Valley. A small...


It is said that taxes are the anchor, but not the value of a CPA relationship.  I have to agree with that statement. We look at our client relationship as their most trusted advisor, so we treat clients to a high standard. Not all clients want a “most trusted...


In your business you have a number of projects that you need to accomplish, I was watching a webinar that broke out some details regarding “projects.  It got me thinking about mine in a slightly more organized fashion. A “Project” is an individual or collaborative...

Cipolla’s five basic laws of human stupidity

Law 1: Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation. Law 2: The probability that a certain person be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person. Law 3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses...

Fast Food

I was reading Adam Chandler and, in his book, he points out that on a monthly basis that 80 percent of Americans eat fast food at least once a month. He goes so far as to claim that fast food attracts more interest consistently than libraries, gyms or house of...


Besides the making of an SNL skit about petty billionaires going into orbit as a lark, I was curious what is out there and how much after the story about the Chinese space station, needing to make a course correction because of a wayward satellite. Apparently, there...

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