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Professional Responsibility

We as a firm believe that we are dedicated by professional responsibility to assist our clients achieve better results for their customers and be more profitable. We learned early on that our product was not to sell time, but rather our skill and knowledge. Creating...

Getting Started

If you want to start a business but don’t know where to start, don’t worry…you are not alone.  This is not a unique situation.  We have had appointments were we have discouraged would be business owners from getting started, others have great ideas and...

Business Legality

We live in litigious times. It’s just an unfortunate fact of life, especially in Illinois. So we need to arm ourselves with the basics of doing business legally and ethically, so you can avoid the headaches later. That along with our insurance company is why we...

Business Social Media

Social media is necessary to branding, building and growing your business. But alas contrary to popular belief social media not free. It requires the investment of time.  I am currently spending a Sunday morning working on multiple posts. But with some technical...

Shared Work Spaces

As more and more small companies are opting shared work spaces; looking for offices with hip designs and short-term commitments that are shared with other firms. The appeal of co-working spaces started along with freelance workers, these independent contractors and...

Self-Filing Error

In a recent court case, a couple’s e-filing error does not allow them to avoid penalties for late filing and payment, according to a federal district court When e-filing their return through TurboTax, the husband input a wrong Social Security number. IRS rejected the...

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