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I have a couple of clients who decided to design and build their own website.  Now they are not the typical creative type.  But the results are interesting. They both used website template was provided by their hosting company.  They dropped in the images and text....

Spousal Help/Interference

Occasionally I will get a rogue e-mail from the spouse of a client.  I am usually taken aback by this.  Since most if not all communication typically comes from the client running the business. Now, I have suggested that potential client not move forward with their...


As many of you are well aware several restaurant chains have Ziosk devices on their tables. I have to say I am not a fan.  I don’t want to play a game if I am with someone.  I like to have wait staff employed at restaurants and places I frequent. Also, most of the...

Charitable Contributions

We have a client that came to us with a problem.  They had done their own taxes for 2014 and 2015. They were Turbo-Tax users.  In 2014 they had made an extraordinary contribution to their church, but because of their use of Turbo-tax, the software defaulted to the...

Lack of options

My wife and I were thinking of seeing the movie “Darkest Hour” but it was not playing at an AMC theater.  We are surrounded by AMC theaters only (Niles, Mt Prospect, Rosemont, and Schaumburg). Never mind that I resent coughing up money to China to see a US film; but...


Is it true that the biggest reason for wealth inequality in the U.S. is that many Americans are uninformed about investing? Granted research has shown that the pre-tax income for the bottom 50% of earners in the U.S. has dropped since the 1980’s. And a full 36% of...

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