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You always need to be sure whom you do business with as the details of this court case show.  Of you have partners have an operating agreement even in an S-Corp. A locked-out shareholder has to report her share of S corporation income on here individual return. A...

Not a Hobby

If you have a side business, there are things you should be doing to ensure that the business is not a hobby. A ranching operation that lost millions is not a hobby, according to the Tax Court. A man who ran the venture in addition to his day job as an economist is...

Reimbursed Medical Insurance

Huzzah!  Small employers get guidance on health reimbursement arrangements. A 2017 law lets eligible firms, defined as those with fewer than 50 employees that don’t offer group health insurance,  to reimburse workers for health insurance and medical expenses if they...

Passive or active marketing

When I meet with clients, I like to take a holistic approach to their business. Yes, we review their Financial Dashboard: reviewing the various metrics, as well as the prior year comparisons and industry comparisons if pertinent. But I also spend time discussing...

Why target small/medium businesses for a cyber-attack? in 2017 shared the following information on small business cyber-attacks. Small to medium sized businesses typically pay the ransomware for the release of their data. The average ransom demand was $1,077 22% of the businesses that experienced the ransomware...

Unemployed and the ACA

We had a call come in from someone we did not know.  They were unemployed for over a year, but received health insurance from the ACA exchange.  They were getting the subsidy and did not want to have to pay it back. So they were looking for ways to show income without...

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