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Industrial Espionage and Competitors

I was listening to a podcast, probably “Under the Influence”, they was talking about Coca Cola and Pepsi.  It seems that Pepsi had overheard, discovered or stumbled over Coke’s marketing plan.   But Coke was not worried.  It was explained away by these points:...

Change of address

“`I just had a client call asking about their refund.  They had not presented us with their banking information so the refund was going to be a paper check.   But, also they moved at the beginning of the year.  But all of the tax docs for this new client...

Household spying devices

Apple has finally made it to the table, joining in with Amazon, Google, and Microsoft in allowing us to pay to put  spying devices in our household.   It is expected that the Apple loyal will allow Apple to quickly gain traction with its voice-activated speaker....

Another Chinese Barrier

China has put into effect a new cybersecurity law, mainly to vex U.S. companies.   The policy went into effect on June 1; it is expected to cost large firms millions of dollars to comply with.   The tangle of rules will be especially tricky or near...

Smartphone security

How many of you have protection on your businesses smartphones? My guess is none have done it, yet.   As more and more of your business transaction and personal lives are run on these phones security should be a much higher concern.   The protection of...

Voting Rights

It seems that the big investors are finally getting fed up with stocks that don’t come with voting rights for shareholders.   Mutual funds, asset managers and other large institutional investors are finally pushing financial regulators to stop firms from issuing...

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