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I am currently reading the latest book in the continuation of the Tom Clancy series.  In the novel, the Russian President is looking to move $8 Billion dollars out of Russia and into secret accounts and a Bitcoin launderer is being used to obscure the trail from any...

Code of Ethics

I was finally cleaning my office and I stumbled over a “Code of Ethic” that I printed off the internet.  This came from Frank Abagnale’s website.  I have heard him speak a couple of times in the past and he mentioned this “Code of Ethics”.   As a firm of CPA’s we...

The Blue Collar Office Worker

I have a client who has a few employees, but refers to one in particular as a blue collar office worker.   Apparently this employee will not start until it is exactly the time to start the day.  They also end the day exactly on time as well.  It does not matter...

Not designed to support a family

There are certain jobs that are created that were never meant to support a family on.  They were ways to make some extra cash or provide part time employment for kids to have some cash.   I believe McDonald’s jobs were created with this in mind.  The owner’s...

Seven Basic Cons

I was watching a television program were it was stated that all cons are variation from seven basic principles.  So hearing this I was curious.  Especially with the number of scams and cons that where we are bombarded with e-mail scans to IRS fraud calls or calls...

The next useless Smartphones AP

When was the last time you needed an application that can spot a counterfeit bill?  Or assist in picking a piece of ripe fruit?  Well you will have it soon! A researcher at PARC, part of Xerox, has developed a way to use cheap camera tech to detect wavelengths of...

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