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I was just reading that lockdowns may have to be put back on the table for those states that reopened too fast and have epic levels of new coronavirus.  There is even concerns that Illinois’s numbers are going in the wrong direction as well.  Just not as fast, but we...

Washington the US first environmentalist?

George Washington may well be the first environmentalist in our country.  All planters knew that the tobacco crop depleted the soil.  Others just bought more land, George looked into ways to replenish the soil.  His research lead him to move away from tobacco as the...

AI Revolution

First Industrial Revolution, was a time of transition for new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States, in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. The First Industrial Revolution, which ended in the middle of 19th century, was...


The current state of unemployment is not quite the rosy picture that everyone wants us to believe. I like looking at the U-6 rate and not the U-3 or official rate, because U6 is the whole picture.  Not a fractional picture. U-6 is the total unemployed, plus all...

Time Suck

I was reading an article the noted three items that are the biggest time sucks to a small business owners: E-mail Television Social Media I really don’t agree with the list or the reasons given in the article. E-mails are important to my business.  I use them as a...

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