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G-mail and business

A hundred years ago,  when I started this business, I met with an entrepreneur who told me in no uncertain terms to lose the Hotmail e-mail address. If I wanted to be treated as a professional I should present myself as a professional.  Like I said, it was a hundred...
Republican individual taxes proposal

Republican individual taxes proposal

According to Kiplinger the Republicans are starting to position themselves for the “goring of the bulls” tax plan that I was informed would occur for 2017.   Kiplinger is attempting to present this as a positive, but if the details that were shared with me...
Republican business taxes proposal

Republican business taxes proposal

According to Kiplinger the Republicans are starting to position themselves for the “goring of the bulls” tax plan that I was informed would occur for 2017.   The plan that Kiplinger lays out would have C-Corporations pay tax at a flat 20% rate, down from the 35%...
Start-up mistakes

Start-up mistakes

I was having a chat with a banker who was rolling his eyes when we were talking about some start-ups that were looking for loans and lines of credit. Now he is an aggressive banker who is always looking for new clients and enjoys assisting clients get those loans and...

Madoff concerns

Typically people use a single financial advisor.  For most people the use of a financial advisor is recommended, let alone multiple advisors.  I also don’t mean a husband and wife team as two advisors.  I mean a financial professional from whom some guidance can be...

Plan your time

I have written about being busy versus being productive.  In my mind the way to make sure that your time is productive instead of being busy is to plan.   Do you plan out your year, with a budget, projection or cash flow?  Do you set your goals and measurable and...

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