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Beneficiary change forms

When I am meeting with clients to do their tax planning for the next year, one of the items that I ask about is how up to date their estate planning documents are.   It is surprising who has their done and who does not.  If you do not have valid or up to date...

Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

This is becoming a growing topic of concern.  I have been to two presentations where the accuracy calculations have been stressed.  If you are working with a financial advisor they should be well informed on the rules and regulations.   How the funds are titiled...

Internal Communications

I was meeting with a straggling individual client and they were amusing me with their tale of woe as to how their employer now has some internal communication issues.   It seems that with a couple of new hires the informational flow that has been in place for...

Cost of Travel

I recently had a vendor attempt to charge me for their travel time.  I was quite surprised because no one has ever tried that with me before.  I have had plumbers and electricians state that there would be minimum charges for them showing up.  But when I call them I...

Background Checks

I was giving a client a difficult time because they had hired an employee for whom they did not do a background check on.  The employee did not work out well, and there were some minor issues.   When I asked what their hiring policy was, they stated that they did...

Crowdfunding for startups

The SEC has issued its rules for crowdfunding to make it a bit easier to govern how start-up firms can raise money from many small backers and how investors can take part in such ventures. Consistent with the JOBS Act, the proposed rules would among other things...

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