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May 18, 2016, President Obama and Labor Secretary Perez announced the publication of the Department of Labor’s final rule updating the overtime regulations.  These changes go into effect in December.   The plan is to reduce overwork, which was not a problem most...


Do you run your business with a budget?   If o how do you develop your budget?  Is it based upon a static increase based on an inflationary increase of say 3% or is it developed on real measurable and planned growth based upon client expectations of the coming year....

Busy versus productive

As a small business owner you have limited time to spend on your business.  This of course is assuming that you a life to go along with your business. So you have to pick your activities with care.  You want to insure that you are being productive and not just busy. I...

Hobby or business

This past tax season I had to have the conversation with a client that their business had more things in common with hobby than a business.  They had consistent loses for a number of years and some of the nine factors were not being met. Those Nine factors are:...

Micromanagement of Staff

I was reading a magazine; yes I am 100 years old and read magazines and newspapers.  I also use the internet, but I like to tactile relationship to my reading matter.  I prefer to hold a book to a Fire.  But, I digress. The Q&A section that I was perusing was...

Family Members and the Business

I have clients who have family members working in their business.  I have family members working in my business. I have and had all three of my kids working in my business.  The eldest has been hired and fired more times than both of us can count, working for me is...

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