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Crash and burn

Due to a number of factors, some of which can and have been viewed as malicious we lost our website and the back-up. So at the height of tax season we had no website.  It also took over two weeks to just get a temporary placeholder up and in place, just to let the...


I have to admit that there are projects that I plan on doing it myself and there are others that terrify me or I just don’t do well and so I hire the professionals to address.  Typically from the outside looking in they probably do not make any sense.  Like I have...

High School Waste

At some point Maine West HS in District 207, made a change that has me scratching my head at to what is wrong with these people.  In the back entrance of the school where the police assist drivers in and out of the parking lot for safety, drivers are no longer able to...

Solar Panels

I have never done the ROI on solar panels.  I probably should, I typically am that anal about wanting to know why people do what they do. I bring this up because a neighbor across the street has 9 solar panels facing south on their roof.  The house it tiny so they...

Financial Planning

At this time of year I get to talk to more people about what they are doing and how they are doing it.   People seem to be more open, or possibly so overwhelmed that their guards are down and they answer more freely. So I have been asking if they use financial...

Difficulties with the box people

I was talking to an employee of a client and they were bragging on how they didn’t need professional help preparing their tax return.  They purchased a box to prepare their return at Sam’s Club or Costco and they were ready to prepare all of the families returns. This...

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