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Auto Enrollment 401K

Auto enrollment is a relatively new idea to businesses.  Once hired after the probationary period employees are automatically enrolled into the company’s 401K Plan. As no surprise this practice does increase employee participation in retirement plans. A recent study...

Too broke to retire

According to a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) analysis finds that among households with members aged 55 or older, nearly 29 percent have neither retirement savings nor a traditional pension plan. My typical business client does not fit in this category. ...

Trust donations not allowed

Typically if the trust document is the road map as to how the deal with the issues that arise from running the trust.  If the document is silent as to a point (Trust Situs) the state’s governing laws take effect. So if a trust does not specifically make mention of a...

Fiduciary Accounting Income

Fiduciary Accounting Income (FAI ) is unlike taxable income or GAAP income, which is why most trustees hire CPA to deal with 1041’s instead of tackling it themselves.  Occasionally tax practitioners have difficulties with this concept as well. Interest on a municipal...

Lack of immediate options

Unfortunately I have a client that is in an unusual position.  They want to minimize their taxes, but December is too late to effectively plan for them. They make a reasonable amount of interest income.  But, they get a lot of dividends and a lot of capital gains. ...

Customer Experience

As we know consumers have many purchasing options whether we are selling a good or a service.  So we have to be concerned about the customer experience. This has become a primary way to differentiate your brand, from our competitors. The customer experience is to work...

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