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I know FBAR to me…  No the FBAR is not an insult it just looks like one.  It is Foreign Bank and Account Reporting, I believe.  Because the IRS reports it as “Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts” which would be FBFA or RFBFA.  SO I will go with my guess. Who...

American Opportunity Credit

It was recently addressed to us as tax preparers that we have to take a further step than we may have taken in the past to on the American Opportunity Credit (AOC). Especially with today’s youth they believe that it is their right and privilege to use controlled...

Commitment Ceremony

I was at a seminar where a commitment ceremony was described.  The group discussed what, if any, legal standing this ceremony had.  We all agreed that there were no legal grounds for this to be considered an official marriage.  There were no legal documents signed or...


Who is a dependent?  This used to be such a simple question.  But as our live have become ever more complicated and our romantic entanglements split and shred it becomes ever more complicated Here is something from the IRS instruction manual to assist… Is Your...

Private Schools

I personally like the idea of a voucher system for children to go to the schools that will best suit them and their parents. Yes, I have read the hundreds of long articles against vouchers written for or by educators whose jobs hang on the current system, and the...

Premium Tax Credit

The premium tax credit (PTC) is a refundable credit that assists eligible individuals and families with low or moderate income to afford health insurance purchased through a Health Insurance Marketplace (exchange). To get this credit, you must meet the requirements...

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