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Who controls the US’s future?

As the US continues to issue debt obligations (why live within our means), China continues to pony up to collect our debts and thus hold our future in their hands. We can look for China to continue to buy a hefty portion of America’s Treasuries. Beijing holds about...


The reasons for immigration have drastically changed over the past centuries. Today it is surmised that primarily, immigrants choose to leave their home country in order to improve their quality of life. Economic reasons for immigrating include seeking higher wage...

Fake Everything

I was reading an article in Fast Company, where they were discussing all the new ways to make food products, which will be produced worldwide. We can’t get a third of the country to vaccinate, how are you going to get them to eat a 3D printed steak? I am sure at some...


Leadership is someone who can break tasks down into deliverable items, create teams with clear responsibilities, establish milestones and measures, and hold people accountable succeed in enacting the provisions of the plans. Are you that type of leader?  Do you work...

Sports sadness

Running a major sports team is an expensive endeavor.  Most teams are not bringing in the big bucks especially in smaller markets; fewer still are profitable. Instead of following normal business protocols, reducing expenses they are looking at increasing revenue,...

Old tech, forcing new sales

There is now a old/new way to force new technology sales. Is your phone more than a few years old? You may need to upgrade, fast. 3G is scheduled to be fully turned off next year, affecting millions of phones and owners who are happy with what they have.  Also other...

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