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Illinois CCL

Since a client insisted I get a FOID card and since my son was in the military, I have become aware of a subculture within my client base and family.  They are gun enthusiasts.  I have been encouraged to get my Conceal Carry License from the Illinois State Police....


I have to admit I was surprised to find that there are no parole hearings in Illinois. There is no place for the victims or family to make their pleas and pitches, to keep the incarcerated in prison.  I am aware of a case where the prisoner perjured themselves...

Illinois at work

The Illinois Prison system has a program to get prisoners back into the work force once released; it is their work release program. Work release is a program in which non-violent offenders are allowed to maintain a full or part-time job in the community but spend the...

Criminal Masterminds

“Most career criminals were losers, lazy men and women who lacked impulse control and who sometimes got lucky.  Criminal Masterminds were for tv and books. Movies to probably” -Reed Farrel Coleman – Hangman’s Sonnet I struggle with the validity of this...

Even In The Dark: How Packaging Persuades You To Buy

I have written in the past of my enjoyment of Terry O’Reilly’s podcasts “Under the Influence” and “Age of Persuasion”. One Under the Influence podcast dealt with the shape of the packaging where he quoted: “Fast Company Magazine cites University of Toronto research,...

Public Education

We the United States are failing by every measure in public education.  According to one study; federal, state, and local governments spend $720.9 billion, or $14,840 per pupil, to fund K-12 public education. This gets the US to 26th in Total scores, looking at...

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