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Have you noticed that there are significantly fewer movie studios than there were 20 years ago?  Some still exist in name only like Columbia, but they are owned by Sony, so don’t count. The consolidations have left us with studios who are less willing to take risks...

Best idea of the year

What is needed right now, is a search engine.  Not another Google or Bing, a special search engine. One that will daily gather the listings of all streaming services to identify where tv shows, specials and movies are playing on so we can find out which streaming...

Wrong direction for colleges

What is the true purpose of college?  Is it to educate young minds for the future and careers?  Is it to overpay and keep a bloated obsolete inefficient job structure in place for those with minimal skills?  Or is it to use young athlete and earn money off their hard...

Social Darwinism

Social Darwinism is the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals. While now largely discredited, social Darwinism was advocated by Herbert Spencer and others in the late 19th and...

A Glimpse into the Future

Massive unemployment, an uncertain future along with a great deal of concern for one’s wellbeing. I believe that this is a glimpse into our future. That is once Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics start in earnest in filling those duties that the middle class...

Illinois does it again

At times I really believe that Illinois Department of Revenue does nothing but think of dirty tricks and schemes to play on its citizens. The most recent case has occurred to two of our clients so far this year.  In both cases the husband and wife both work for the...

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