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Wrong priorities

I am more than aware that as a nation we have messed up and backward priorities. Congress can’t agree with on the color of an orange. Our economy is in the toilet and the only election issue seems to be abortion rights. Most important of all is the fact that the day...


Cricket is a strange player in the cell phone market.  Before the purchase by AT&T, I met with an owner of three Cricket locations.  This gentleman owned a dozen or so franchises of different sorts and was thinking of hiring a CPS firm to handle the bookkeeping...


It is not hard to believe that the e-commerce is still growing, if you listen closely you can hear another retailer shuttering their doors.  Nor is it hard to imagine that electronic business to business if the fastest growing segment of the market. Apparently half of...


eBay I was reading an article that was listing side-hustles to supplement a person’s income.  I am all for side businesses or a side-hustle.  I have a few businesses beyond my CPA practice myself.  Hell, you get enough side businesses going and they call you a...

Gas Stations

Do you know anyone that owns a Tesla or a Hybrid?  They are becoming more plentiful on the road.  Which is causing a problem for a sector of business. Gas stations across the country are now facing a significant long-term problem; the rise of electric vehicles and...

Retailing Partnerships

Are consumers the lemmings that retailers believe them to be?  Just because a celebrity is paid to point to an object does not mean that consumers will automatically buy that object.  Or will they? Amazon is betting big on Lady Gaga to do just that with cosmetics,...

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