Running a Business Archives |

Business Failures

Thinking of starting that side business?  I always think it is a great idea to start a side business and have multiple income streams and not being solely reliant on your employer for all income. But you will need to keep some information in mind when you do start...

Scope Creep

I have been warned about scope creep and the need for engagements letters to spell out ever more details. So, I should be using an engagement letter for tax returns which we do utilize for businesses and individuals. I should then have a new separate letter for any...

Rental Losses

There is an issue that keep appearing in cases coming out of the Tax Court: Large rental losses taken by taxpayers claiming to be real estate pros. Real estate professionals must meet two tests to beat the passive-activity loss rules and deduct their rental losses in...

The 1099-K

There is a new law changing the 1099-K reporting rules which should hike compliance requirements in this area. What is a 1099-K??? This form endeavors to ensure that all online retailers are reporting sales for tax purposes. It requires credit card companies, such as...

IRS and Gig workers

Are you a gig worker?  Do you have a side hustle to make yourself some extra cash?  Do you know that you are supposed to report that cash to the IRS as reportable income and possibly pay self-employment taxes on those monies? The IRS wants to raise public awareness of...


Have you seen those cheesy Amazon commercial, where people are making all sorts of demands from an employer before they will deem to work for them?  We all know that there are people who just don’t want to work. Well businesses have solutions to all of these people,...

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