Running a Business Archives |

Social Darwinism

Social Darwinism is the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals. While now largely discredited, social Darwinism was advocated by Herbert Spencer and others in the late 19th and...

Cash Flow

I have clients who are deferring all of the bills that they can and paying only those that they absolutely are required to pay. I can’t blame them I am doing a bit of the same myself.  All of my insurances come due in April and May, I had them moved from an annual...


It is always a struggle to get small business owners to put themselves on their own payroll.  They miserly withdraw funds to live and keep as much money in the business as possible and cover their employee’s payroll faithfully. But now we live in a situation where...

SBA Bailout for the wealthy…

I recently read an article stating that this bailout is for the wealthy, while the poor get a mere $1,200 each. I have a problem with that statement to an extent.  While it is true that “wage slaves” will only get $1,200, while the wealthy will not be getting the...

How about that side hustle, now?

I have been suggesting to clients for years that they should find their passion and start a side hustle.  Even if it only nets $100 a month that can grow nicely for a cash reserve, college fund or just for retirement. Now that there are massive layoffs and the...

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