Layers of cyber security?

Again, in the quest for compliance with the wiles of cyber security I stumbled onto yet another “expert” who had broken down cyber security into seven layers. I have to admit that I can agree with these for the most part, but maybe not their strict definitions. The 7...

Who to trust in cyber security…

You know the more I investigate cyber security for my procedure manual the more I am thinking, most for those attempting to prove themselves experts, don’t know what they are doing. A vast number of them seem to just spew buzz words that don’t say anything.  I include...

The Five Cs of Security as a Service

As I was looking for an outline for our Cyber Security Manual, l I stumbled upon this whitepaper.  I found it interesting enough to summarize here. Change – Organizations face a constantly changing array of pressures from multiple external sources. Compliance...

Hanna and Barbera lied to me…

100 years ago, when I was growing up and network television was alive and well with all three channels and one PBS channel and 3 local channels.  I watched cartoons (I still do, a lot of the same ones from my youth via DVD). One of my favorites was Yogi Bear. It...

Data Breaches

Did you know that 95% of breaches are due to human error?  I admit I was not surprised by this number.  What did surprise me was that 91% through e-mail, this was a bit of a shock. MyDoom did $38.4 billion in damage, there are also 4 million records are stolen from...

AI in use today

How many of you are using AI regularly?  Do you Alexia? Play chess online? How about Amazon shopping recommendations?  All utilize AI, so you have been using AI without even knowing it. Chat GPT newest iteration of AI. ChatGPT is a large language model-based chatbot...

Comprehensive cyber insurance policy

I was on a webinar regarding risk and the issue of a cyber insurance policy was given.  So, I contacted my agent to see what kind of coverage I had. Apparently, I only have an endorsement that is very limited in scope on my main package that covers data breach...

Unpaid Trust Taxes

What happens when you distribute Trust assets and don’t pay the taxes?  You guessed it… The IRS can go after heirs and trust beneficiaries for unpaid estate taxes. It doesn’t matter that they received property years after the decedent’s death, an appeals court...

Confiscated Property Proceeds

A woman wins her home-seizure case before the Supreme Court. Failing to pay home property taxes for several years can result in the county where you live confiscating the property and selling it at auction. But who is entitled to the excess amount if the sales...

Retirement Savings

The deadline to have a retirement plan has either passed or coming due shortly for IL businesses. Employer registration deadlines State law now requires every Illinois employer with five or more employees to offer their own retirement program or facilitate Secure...

Professional gamblers

Professional gamblers have different rules than recreational gamblers. Some gamblers can file Schedule C if their gambling activity is extensive enough to rise to the level of a trade or business. This is a difficult hill to climb, as shown in a recent case (Mercier,...

Recreational Gamblers

Everybody knows or should know that you make, earn, win or steal money; you will owe the IRS a percentage of those funds. So here are some tax rules for recreational gamblers: Whether you are playing the slots, betting on sports or buying lottery tickets, IRS wants a...

Generative AI

I have been hearing more and more about Generative AI.  So, I watched a webinar to get a better understanding.  One I never received my CPE for the webinar, but even worse I never got a decent definition of Generative AI. So, I went to the internet and found the...

Surprise at passive income

I was wasting some time and had on a section of an Arnold Schwarzenegger biography.  He seemingly moved to the US in 1968 and as soon as possible he was investing in small rental properties. While he lived in a small sparse unit, every dollar he could he keep...

Gifting to avoid taxes

Can you gift an I bond before it matures and avoid an income tax hit? No. Like most people, you’ve likely been deferring reporting for federal income tax purposes the interest that you earned on the savings bond. Gifting away EE or I bonds to someone else before those...


As crypto currencies become more unstable, the IRS continues to increase their scrutiny. Virtual currency under the IRS continues to be treated as a stock purchase, but the basis reporting is required to be done by the individual.  We have seen more holding companies...

College Athletes and the IRS

The IRS is addressing the increasingly popular way of paying college athletes. Guess it is never too early to start the “brand”… Since the Supreme Court ruled that college athletes can be compensated for their name, image and likeness, college boosters have started to...

Budget and weight loss similarities

Working with a budget is a bit like trying to lose weight, both require a plan and the ability to maintain that plan in spite of the obstacles. Years ago, I kept my household to a tight budget, both my wife and I were wage slaves and cash was always tight.  It seemed...

The end of Social Security (Again)

It seems that my whole adult life they have been talking about the Social Security funds running out. I laugh at that, because if it was real money and that money was invested it would never have run out.  The damned politicians looked at it as a pork barrel to stick...

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