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Brand insights

What do you do that your completion does not do?  Most business owners do not have an answer to this question.  Insights can remain elusive to those who make the products. How in a given unique situation within a specific time can you make yourself different from your...

Firing an employee

Illinois is an at will state.  Which means you can fire someone just to fire someone.  Now that will not stop them from suing you.  Lord knows that there are attorneys who are just looking for a payday and will take just about any case. What you should have in place...


I had a client express concern to me about one of their employees that have been out for a week now.  The client is concerned on a multitude of levels. Unfortunately this is a larger company working on a razor thin budget.  One employee being out for an unplanned...

HR Function

Who handles the HR function in your business?  If you are a small company it may be the Office Manager or the bookkeeper.  Basically it seems to fall to anyone who handles the bills. I know that I was in charge of the HR function when I worked at a couple of...

HR Function

The news has been reporting on and off for the last few years about the possibility of increasing the minimum wage. Now there are people lining up on both sides of the issue, but the more vocal proponents are those who want the increase.  But I also doubt that they...

Terminal World

Hundreds of years ago in the dark ages of office productivity, workers toiled before computer terminals.  These terminals were connected to a great computer, which required all slaved to be tethered to it for communication. These great computers were special and we...

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