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Small Business Banking

Sad as I am to admit it, I have current clients that have at best mediocre relationships with their bank. A couple of client’s in recent times have had their bank reduced “lines of credit” by at least half.  Where the banks were attempting to get the clients to leave...

Words heard

Podcasts, I listen to one with great anticipation, its current incarnation is “Under the Influence” with Terry O’Reilly.  This past year I missed several episodes and so I am planning on purchasing them from iTunes (I hate iTunes since they don’t always work with...

Engineer’s perspective

I have been having discussions with clients on the potential impact whether good or bad of the prospect of AI (artificial intelligence) on their businesses.  Some are looking forward to further automation; others think there will be a minimal impact on theirs for...

Investment ROI

What is the ROI (return on investment) on your brokerage account or investments? What I am asking is who is making more money off of your money?  You or the brokerage firm? I just had a new prospect come in and have me review his 2017 return for potential errors. ...

Is your money working for you?

It seems to be a very old question: are you working for your money? Or is your money working for you? If you are living paycheck to paycheck, you are definitely working for your money. It is hard to get enough money scrapped together at times to even start to think...


Thoughts of retirement are changing in our society.  I work with a large spectrum of clients of all ages and a lot of them are wondering if retirement is in the picture for them at all. The first to surprise me with this thought was when I was talking to a couple of...

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