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Title loans

I have no idea why lately I have been intrigued with businesses that focus on targeting low income people.  I know that I have seen a commercial recently that was advertising payday loans.  I guess this piqued my curiosity that it was a profitable enough industry to...

Decent ideas for a side hustle

Over the years that I have seen some awful and then worse ideas for a side hustle. But there are some ideas that are pretty good and others that are great.  Here are some that either myself or my clients are involved with: Sell on eBay – I am doing this, and I know...

Side Hustles and feasibility

I am always a sucker for an article that talks about side business, side hustles or ways to make extra money on the side.  Especially since I believe that most people should have multiple streams of income to support themselves, their kids’ education, and their...


eBay I was reading an article that was listing side-hustles to supplement a person’s income.  I am all for side businesses or a side-hustle.  I have a few businesses beyond my CPA practice myself.  Hell, you get enough side businesses going and they call you a...

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