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Books to Movies

I was just watching the “Offer” the factitious tale of the making of the “Godfather”.  I was looking back on those standout movies from the 1970’s and most seem to be based on bestselling books. Now these were blockbuster films, not “Where the Crawdads Sing” or...

Tax credit double dipping

Clergy and the military both get a double tax break on housing allowances; and I have no problem with either group doing so. The military are paid poverty wages and are encouraged to be locked into the poverty way of life as one way to get extra cash.  The idea behind...

Zombie and Alien Abduction Insurance

When you review your insurance policies have you checked to see if you have zombie or alien abduction coverage?  I doubt it. Your insurance company may not even have policies to cover such incidents. Here are some links for comparison shopping:...

Wrong priorities

I am more than aware that as a nation we have messed up and backward priorities. Congress can’t agree with on the color of an orange. Our economy is in the toilet and the only election issue seems to be abortion rights. Most important of all is the fact that the day...

Freedom of speech?

I personally believe that we have lost one of our Constitutional Rights. If you speak what is on your mind and if it is at all controversial the villagers will be out to get you with pitchforks and torches.  There will be no reasoning with them, they will burn you and...

Social Security Numbers

Years ago, the Social Security Administration when you reached a certain age used to send out statement just before people’s birthdays showing projections on how much Social Security they would be receiving at various levels. They stopped the practice of mailing out...

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