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Our Debt and Services

U.S. National Debt has risen to a record high exceeding $22 Trillion. To make matter worse according to the Treasury Department data comes as tax revenue has fallen and federal spending continues to rise. The new debt level reflects a rise of more than $2 trillion...

Workers Compensation Insurance

I was working with a client that came to me after a worker’s comp audit.  The owner and family were the only ones listed on the policy and drawing salary.  The audit determined that their independent contractors were in fact employees and not independent contractors...

The Merchant of Death Rebranded

Imagine that you developed and refined a destructive force that changed the world of warfare and that you made of fortune doing so.  But you never really thought about the consequences of your actions until you read an obituary about yourself that was run instead of...


I recently traded in my Mercedes.  Before I traded the car in, I needed to determine what I would drive next.  I went back and forth on a number of makes and models.  Then I sat back and thought about this from a different perspective. I thought about what is the most...

Our political process

I was surprised to find out that, as private organizations, political parties in the U.S. are under no legal obligation to democratically choose their nominees for general elections; parties could choose to select nominees by tennis match. I was aware that delegates...

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