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Sin Taxes

How does this actually work… The states, Illinois included, have done everything they can to threaten, sue, rob and kill the tobacco industry. Now they are setting their sights on killing e-cigarettes and the vaping markets. But Illinois plans to remake its fortunes...


Words are the foundation of our means of communicating; our words and body language tell the story.   Words hold a power over us, so much so that one of my writer clients named their company “Words Create Change”, because they do and they have. So with words being so...

Final curtain…

People close their businesses for a number of reasons.  I had one client who bought a franchise and poured time and money into it, but it grew slowly.  Unfortunately, too slowly. The original idea was that the business would start slow and grow to provide an income...

Trust in celebrities

There are not many celebrities million or billionaires that I am willing to trust.  Most of them seem slimy or out and out @$$holes. In this grouping I am including those who get their names out into the world via every avenue. One celebrities whom I believe and...

Partners – I hate them, but at times they serve a purpose

I have argued that I hate partners.  Which for the most part is true; whether it’s in a formal partnership, or an S-Corp or a NFP.  You are on the hook for whatever dumb or stupid things your partners do.  They are also on the hook for the dumb and stupid things you...

Admissions Cheating Scandal

Why is anyone surprised by the admissions cheating scandal?  Why is this still an issue? Professor Doom believes it is still is an issue because the money was going to the administrators now, where before it went to the colleges.  http://professorconfess.blogspot.com/...

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