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Attack of the 1099-K’s

In 2021, Congress felt that everyone was not paying their fair share of taxes so they enacted more information reporting. Third-party settlement networks, such as PayPal, Square, Venmo and eBay, must send Form 1099-K to payees who are paid over $600 a year for goods...

Used Cars

The Auto industry is slowing production based upon the impending recession, so if you are looking to buy a car new or used, be prepared to spend more than planned.  The fewer the cars on the lot, the higher the sale price. The limited production is also driving the...


I am not fan of AI.  Yes, I watch to too many movies and TV Shows and my views on AI have been affected by them, I Robot; Terminator; Matrix; even Mr. Robot… We humans are short sighted, greedy and narrow minded, tunnel visioned people with our own interests front and...


However you feel about electric vehicles, our government wants you to buy one.. Congress has made up some arbitrary fuel economy rules and the only way to achieve these are a shift to a platform that I don’t believe is sustainable. First less look at the materials:...

The Chili Bank

As someone whose home has been robbed and son attacked with a knife during the robbery, we have since taken special precautions to protect our home. If I had used this little gadget or something similar, I would probably be hundreds of dollars richer. The piece of...

Pay before service

I know that for years, certain industries required a down payment before they would even think of starting work.  Typically, it was only certain industries and those with great up front expenditure requirements. I was recently flabbergasted when I attempted to order a...

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