Running a Business Archives |

Outsourced Payroll

Remember, if you are an employer that outsources payroll you retain all tax roll tax liability responsibilities and remain liable for unpaid taxes. So, take these steps to protect yourself if your business uses a payroll agent, enroll in the Electronic Federal Tax...

The walk and talk

New research proves that conducting a meeting while walking has clear health benefits for the participants, but it turns out it benefits the meeting, too. The research from the University of Hong Kong shows that walking side by side helps people connect to each other....


In medieval times the landed gentry had serfs and slaves tend to their land to provide income for their masters. For most of human history, the wealthy have needed the poor to do the work that is necessary to run their businesses and make them even wealthier. Those...

Time Suck

I was reading an article the noted three items that are the biggest time sucks to a small business owners: E-mail Television Social Media I really don’t agree with the list or the reasons given in the article. E-mails are important to my business.  I use them as a...


Cricket is a strange player in the cell phone market.  Before the purchase by AT&T, I met with an owner of three Cricket locations.  This gentleman owned a dozen or so franchises of different sorts and was thinking of hiring a CPS firm to handle the bookkeeping...

Payday loans

A payday loan is a type of short-term borrowing where a lender will extend high-interest credit based on a borrower’s income and credit profile. A payday loan’s principal is typically a portion of a borrower’s next paycheck. … These loans are...

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