Running a Business Archives |

Running a business

I recently had a client meeting where I have been telling the client he is under billing for services, especially when he needs to utilize outside specialists. I gave him a basic formula to follow, it is far from perfect, but should set him up to get a better handle...

Per Diems

The IRS has simplified per diems for lodging, meals and incidentals for 2023. Employees can get up to $297 tax-free daily in high-tax areas; $204 in other locales. Firms using this method can apply the new rates on Oct. 1 or wait until Jan. 1, 2023. For meals and...

Corporate Expenses

Surprise! A shareholder can’t deduct a payment made on behalf of an S corporation, according to the Tax Court. Two individuals, who owned all the stock in an S corporation, personally paid the company’s utility bill and property taxes and deducted the amounts on their...

Pricing your product or service

I have had a number of clients over the years ask me what they should be charging for their product or service.  There are times when I can assist them and other times not so much. I had one entrepreneur whom I told her, she needed to quadruple her rate; she was...

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