Is a college degree worth the ever-rising cost to get one?

This was a topic covered often by Professor Doom on his blog.  Unfortunately, he recently passed away from cancer, so there will be no further data from the Professor.

According to some recent stats for most students, a degree still pays off. The median lifetime earnings of a worker with a bachelor’s degree are $2.8 million, versus $2 million for those with an associate’s degree and $1.6 million for those with a high school diploma.

The effects of no child left behind (NCLB) has impacted college levels today.  The curriculum levels having to be lowered to allow for the admittance of those who should have been left behind, until they mastered the assignment.  My kids ranted and raved that there were people who seemingly could not read or write passing their college courses.

I believe that our school system is set-up to fail most students.  NCLB has not done anyone any favors.  Courses should be set up to deal best with how students learn, not how it is easiest to issue information to 30+ bodies at a time.

Parents also have to be responsible for teaching children as well, my kids remember me teaching them how to read, not the schools.

But two of mine have bachelors and the third is registered to start again this fall.  They see the benefits, but they all know multitudes that have passed due to the extremely high costs of classes.

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