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Time Suck

I was reading an article the noted three items that are the biggest time sucks to a small business owners: E-mail Television Social Media I really don’t agree with the list or the reasons given in the article. E-mails are important to my business.  I use them as a...

Cutting the cord

It probably took over a year to get my wife to finally agreed to cut the cord.  We were paying $160 a month for DirecTV. Once purchased by AT&T there was no discounts or flexibility with DirecTV unless you purchased their other products, which I did not need.  I...

A Bad Idea for a Side Hustle

I have been thinking about one the side hustles that I read about and was not overly fond of when I first read about it in an article.  The choice was to develop a class to teach online.  I still think it may be a stretch for most people, myself included.  Though in...

The contrarian

Merriam-Webster has a contrarian as a person who takes a contrary position or attitude specifically: an investor who buys shares of stock when most others are selling and sells when others are buying. Malcom Gladwell essentially labels them as outliers. W.Chan Kim and...

How to Network

“How to Network” I am awful at this.  I hate going into a room where I may kind of know only one or two people, or worse know no one in the room at all. But, I need to network to continue to grow my business, so I go to networking events.  I also prefer those events...

“Good Debt”

I was reading yet another article on the impact of student loans on Millenniums.  They had been listening to their parents who were working off the assumptions that had helped them make their place in the world. But apparently the world had changed, and those...

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