Running a Business Archives |

The next crisis

First, we had the virus and the closing of most businesses, then we had the protests and looting. Now we have cities moving to open up, but the virus numbers are increasing as well. In October it is believed that the virus may come back in full force. If so, will your...

Freedom to create vs no freedom

I was having an argument with my son a few weeks ago.  He was complaining that there is no freedom in the US to make your fortune today. I had to call bullshit on this claim. Within the last 20 years I started my business, when I did I started with nothing, no clients...

PPP difficulties

I was meeting with a small business owner who had received their PPP funds.  But as with most things government related it was not completely welcome. They had furloughed a number of workers because of the shutdown, But they had to bring back unnecessary employees...

Board of Directors

I sit on a company’s Board of Directors (BOD) as Chairman.  I took over from the previous Chair as he left the BOD. I have been on this BOD from the very beginning.  I actually suggested to the owner that he should have a Board of Advisors(BOA) or a BOD.  The company...


We have worked with several restaurants over the years.  After a very bumpy start with a lot of overspending, one learned how to keep their overhead as low as possible. Talking to one owner they could cover their annual fixed costs within 5 to 6 months.  But only...


I have a client whose business was decimated by the Coronavirus.  Their whole revenue stream not only went to zero, refunds were becoming necessary so there was negative revenue.  They work hand in hand with the live entertainment industry. But the client was not yet...

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