Running a Business Archives |

The contrarian

Merriam-Webster has a contrarian as a person who takes a contrary position or attitude specifically: an investor who buys shares of stock when most others are selling and sells when others are buying. Malcom Gladwell essentially labels them as outliers. W.Chan Kim and...

How to Network

“How to Network” I am awful at this.  I hate going into a room where I may kind of know only one or two people, or worse know no one in the room at all. But, I need to network to continue to grow my business, so I go to networking events.  I also prefer those events...

Decent ideas for a side hustle

Over the years that I have seen some awful and then worse ideas for a side hustle. But there are some ideas that are pretty good and others that are great.  Here are some that either myself or my clients are involved with: Sell on eBay – I am doing this, and I know...

Side Hustles and feasibility

I am always a sucker for an article that talks about side business, side hustles or ways to make extra money on the side.  Especially since I believe that most people should have multiple streams of income to support themselves, their kids’ education, and their...


eBay I was reading an article that was listing side-hustles to supplement a person’s income.  I am all for side businesses or a side-hustle.  I have a few businesses beyond my CPA practice myself.  Hell, you get enough side businesses going and they call you a...

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