Pricing your product or service

I have had a number of clients over the years ask me what they should be charging for their product or service.  There are times when I can assist them and other times not so much. I had one entrepreneur whom I told her, she needed to quadruple her rate; she was...

Bigfoot Business

There has never been found any conclusive proof that “Bigfoot” exists, no found skeletons, droppings, nesting places.  But that has not stopped anyone from making a profit off it.  People have written books, made documentaries, written articles, etc. We have also all...

China first paper currency

The 20th century was a rough one for China, the early portion included many incursions with Japan, then outright war.  After WWII China was vulnerable and succumbed to the advent of Communism. In spite of or maybe because of Communism China wants to be recognized as a...

Zombie and Alien Abduction Insurance

When you review your insurance policies have you checked to see if you have zombie or alien abduction coverage?  I doubt it. Your insurance company may not even have policies to cover such incidents. Here are some links for comparison shopping:...

Death and your Bitcoin

We have all heard the stories of those poor unfortunate saps who forgot the Bitcoin passwords and are thus locked out of their fortunes… Unfortunately, this is a very real concern, losing a password is exactly the same as losing the money. Since Bitcoin and all other...

Wrong priorities

I am more than aware that as a nation we have messed up and backward priorities. Congress can’t agree with on the color of an orange. Our economy is in the toilet and the only election issue seems to be abortion rights. Most important of all is the fact that the day...

Star Wars

People initially questioned Disney’s sanity regarding the purchase of Lucasfilm for $4 billion, when it occurred. Since Disney’s purchase in 2012, the Star Wars franchise has generated close to $5 billion in worldwide box office revenues and in excess of $8 billion in...

China has a plan

China has a plan and the answer may lie in China’s digital yuan. China’s cryptocurrency has been in development for over eight years, since the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) first began investigating a government-run bitcoin in 2014. In the early 2010s, Chinese crypto...

EIDL Interest

Most people who took the EIDL advances where under the impression that there was no interest accruing in the first year, nor the extension.  There were just no payments due. Interest was accruing and now the original payments that were sent are not enough to cover the...

Freedom of speech?

I personally believe that we have lost one of our Constitutional Rights. If you speak what is on your mind and if it is at all controversial the villagers will be out to get you with pitchforks and torches.  There will be no reasoning with them, they will burn you and...

Pay Transparency

Lately we seem to be a country more and more at battle with itself. In one corner is the employee vs employer, battle over salary transparency.  This would bring major changes to some of the nation’s most powerful companies from Wall Street to Silicon Valley. A small...

The Golden Handcuffs

There are now many homeowners who want to move out of the starter house into a larger one, or smaller if they wish to contract since you are now an empty nester.  But they are locked in the “golden handcuffs” of low mortgage rates and find it too daunting to sell...

Andrew Jackson

I learned something new today.  Andrew Jackson was the only President of the United States to have no deficit during his reign.  Jackson, who served from 1829-37, was an ardent supporter of keeping banks and government separated. He believed that banks would have...

Pay yourself first

As a small business owner when cash gets tight the first thing to go is the owner’s salary, or at least a portion of it. This may not always be the right thing to do.  I know too many who pay themselves so little in wages that their SS benefits are scheduled to be...

Post Retirement Navigator

Post Retirement Navigator was a piece of software originally designed by Phil Lubinski and developed by All America, sold to one firm and then another only to wither and die. I loved the concept of this software  for retirement planning and investing. While you are...

Financial Planning

Do you have a pile of investments you call a nest egg.  Or do you have a retirement plan? I have both. The bulk of my investments are in a balanced portfolio that rebalances every quarter and the holdings are reviewed every couple of years.  Then I have an E=Trade...

Chick Fil A Franchise

I am astounded, what a sneaky business model; Chick Fil A has a brilliant plan in place. Some of this information is directly from their website. Chick Fil A has an initial financial commitment of only $10,000.  Annually 60,000 people apply, but only about 80-120 are...

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