Crypto is vulnerable

Recently most cryptocurrencies have fallen to their lowest level since July 2021. The total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies has fallen by more than half since its peak in November 2021. Bitcoin the world’s largest cryptocurrency has fallen to about half of...

Very small business

We I am discussing client’s businesses with them we use the terms small and or medium sized businesses.  There is a lot of flexibility in the use of both terms small and medium.  The parameters very in people minds. Then I found a strange Australian sitcom called...

Buying a business

You are looking to get into a new line of business or rapidly grow your own business, the easiest way for some to do this is to buy an existing business. When purchasing a business, you need to know that the details and analysis of what you look at and for will differ...

Marketing 101 – Centers of influence

As a CPA I have a number of natural Centers of Influence, those who can make referral through their normal course of business. Realtors can be one for new individuals who are moving into the area wanting a local practitioner. Bankers are another, when a client comes...

Marketing 101 –no marketing

How a business owner market their business has always been a strange attraction to me.  I am always on the look-out for an idea that I can steal and implement in my business. I admit I am flabbergasted when I find that the business owner is doing no marketing or...


If you don’t meet the definition of “Trader” in the eyes of the IRS, you are an “Investor”. Investors typically buy and sell securities and expect income from dividends, interest, or capital appreciation. They buy and sell these securities and hold them for personal...

The Mark-to-Market Election

If you meet the definition of “Trader” by the IRS you can choose to use the mark-to-market rules, investors cannot. If a trader doesn’t make a valid mark-to-market election under section 475(f), then he or she must treat the gains and losses from sales of...

Fast Food

I was reading Adam Chandler and, in his book, he points out that on a monthly basis that 80 percent of Americans eat fast food at least once a month. He goes so far as to claim that fast food attracts more interest consistently than libraries, gyms or house of...

HOH while married

This year was odder than most, we had a number of taxpayers wanting to claim head of household status while still married. Yes, that is an option, but there are hoops to jump through. To qualify for the head of household filing status while married, you must be...


What is a staking reward?  Have you even heard of staking or staking rewards? Staking rewards are an incentive that blockchains provide to participants. Each blockchain has a set amount of crypto rewards for validating a block of transactions. When you stake crypto...

Virtual currency

Are you a fan of virtual currencies?  Have you joined the bandwagon of virtual currencies? I admit that I am not.  I did just hear from a Financial Advisor who stumbled upon one of my postings and wanted to get together to discuss the benefits of virtual currencies. ...


As I know you are aware we are in a period of increasing inflation.  Now most people here inflation and think prices rise all over and pay, not as much nor as quickly.  In most instances this is correct, most employers on increase pay once a year, or never in some...

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