Running a Business Archives |

Zoom to impress

I guess I have not been taking my Zoom call as seriously as I should.  Granted I have not had that many meetings with clients, but I do have a monthly BOD call with a NFP client.  But I have not been as worried about my background as others apparently have. I stumbled...


Radio was worried about tv, tv was worried about cable, cable was worried about streaming services.  Now streaming services have a worry. Premium video services are increasingly worried about social media sites, such as TikTok, YouTube, Facebook and Twitch, where...

Business maintenance

As the year winds down, I suggest that you take some time to work on your business, rather than in your business.  Never mind that you should have already started your planning for 2021, since you are working to complete your tax and business goals for 2020. First...


Has your business grown stale?  Have sales leveled off or decreased and morale and systems are on autopilot?  Have you developed no new ideas or concepts to test or implement? You may need the skills of an outsider.  Either on your BOA, BOD or an employee. It helps to...


It is time to expand the business to take it to the next level. You have reviewed your business, from top to bottom.  Your ratios and measurables point towards the future, the market conditions are favorable, you discussed and debated the issue with your advisors and...

Financial dashboard redux

Now, may be a good time to rework your “Financial Dashboard”.  With all the changes going on, your ratio parameters may have changed.  You may be working with your suppliers to get them paid which has your payables higher than your norm.  Or clients may need been...

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